"Rochester Photos" PhotoCards
Rochester Photos PhotoCards is a
series of five cards that I have designed. Each card has a Rochester theme,
which are: Sunset, Riverfront, Mount Hope Cemetery,
Winter and Mr. Eastman. The Rochester Photos PhotoCards are printed on a thick paper stock with
a high gloss finish; they measure 5.5 x 8.5 inches. On the front of each themed
card is a scenic view of Rochester. Additional photographs on the back side of
the card relate to the theme and the back side has descriptive comments.
Here are examples of the front and back of the
first card in the series: "Rochester Sunset".
The Set of Four Rochester Photos PhotoCards
price is $10
(postage and applicable tax included in $10 payment)
Available by request or at
Image City Photography Gallery, 722 University Avenue, Rochester,
NY 14616
Additional Dealer Inquiries are Welcome.
For Mail Order and Payment by PayPal or other Questions, Contact